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These are indoor sculptures with a basic structure made from natural wood collected from the Potomac River.  Other materials are employed to reinforce joints and add structural integrity.  Primitive techniques and materials often used by native cultures are incorporated in a process that re-purposes or recycles a variety of materials.

Plus 2 Degrees C., 2020

A rumination on Nature's response to global warming.

Isolation With A View, 2020

An "S" shaped space with two openings.  What is inside is obscured, while the outside is visible from inside.

Potomac River Relic, 2019

Found wood set with stones and glass, collected from the river, a totem to the Power of rivers.

Dauber's Haven 2015

Inspired by wattle and daub construction, a take on sanctuary.

Symbiosis, 2014

Natural wood and copper in a mutually supporting relationship.